Ok my 5 day ban ended it ended at 10:10Pm 8/5/14 but not all of the sudden of ending it just started rising now it's at 12 minutes. I promise my ban ended it has been 5 days insted of ending it's just rising insted of going down.
http://gyazo.com/1d2dac9fedc1eabf9ad4b592e3de4d1e http://gyazo.com/60cc02748febfa27efb5795eb0ef13e6 Here are pictures if you look in the bottom corner you see time rise and the timer is going back up insted of down
http://gyazo.com/ceeb6806c8919079591b9ea1e2ad2dd7 This is what i took this morning. It's not fake because if you look in a corner you can see date/Time/
Cap it's been 20 hours i'm still waiting for you magic to happend. My unban ended 20+ hours ago... Still waiting for the magic to happend. :roll: