Vanishing Mobs

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by WhiteTiger2472, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. WhiteTiger2472

    WhiteTiger2472 New Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    +7 / -10
    Please tell me you are looking into why the Hostel mobs just vanish for no reason. it keeps taking away my iron goloms i use to kill other mobs. i will be killing mobs and than poof, they are all gone, not just a few but all of them.
    if you are going to say its a mob cap thing, its not. it has happen to me with as few as 3 mobs and as much as a 64x64 platform full of them. if it only happened once of twice i could live with it. but this happens every 10-15 mins it seems.
    almost like there is a clear mob like the clear lag.
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  2. WhiteTiger2472

    WhiteTiger2472 New Member

    Aug 5, 2014
    +7 / -10
    Any staff, is this being looked into. does it not matter, whats the deal. i have been playing minecraft for a while and never encountered this issue before.

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