Before I start writing how I feel I just want to say this is not supposed to offend people, I am here to talk about popular problems that have been or are going on. Firstly I would like to talk about the owner, CaptainBob, I and many others feel he does not take control of the server properly, the head-admins do all the work while he does nothing but takes all of our money. I am not saying this is completely true because Cap could be doing a lot of things that we as players don't see/know about. Another thing people think about Cap is that he is not considerate for the purchases we make to his server, I have never personally seen Cap thank anyone for donating and everyone I ask say the same. In Caps defence the email you receive after donating does say thank you however this is automated and should not be used as excuse. Again about the webstore, earlier today I asked Cap a simple question about the server store, his reply was "I don't know", then following that I asked another question his reply was "I thought Reags did it". How can you claim to be the server owner when you know nothing about the webstore? Secondly I would like to talk about Reags. Yesterday at /warp staff there was a sign saying I think these people should be staff or something along them lines in front of the mannequins of Peerbam, DaintyTurtle, EpicGamingLedgend and Ellyohna. To no surprise of mine, when I got home these people had magically got helper... There has been big uproars about this and pretty much everyone has said "if you are Reags' friend you will become staff." This in my eyes is true. This point also links back to Cap, either he had no say or just let Reags do what ever she wants. This shows he either has no control or doesn't care. Next I want to talk about rules to do with staffs permissions and how it affects players. Many complaints have been floating around the server about Mod+ being allowed to do whatever they want with gamemode one (creative) People are angry that no matter how hard we try the staff are unbeatable, there is no target to reach because everyone knows as soon as we get to number one on is top one of the head admins will just spawn in a ton of diamond blocks. This to the players is unfair, we as players do not have the same opportunities as the staff members this is a reason why people quit, why are people going to play on a server where they don't have the opportunity to be the best, they no longer have a aim. Who wants to aim to be second best? I would like to thank ShauniePod and AmandaMarissa for being 100% legitimate and not using gamemode 1 to their advantage, I know there are others but I would jut like to mention them. Now I need to talk about this really important one. Favouritism and how staff (Especially the new ones) Treat players. This server is really bad wit not listening to peoples opinions and thoughts of the server, most staff don't care some say put it on the forums" and leave it as that but if you are a staff member you have signed up to listen and think about what players say, you should help them no matter what he proble is,no matter who they are and give advice, some people get really worried when buycraft payments etc don't come through and staff to understand that and consolidate them. Another big problem with staff is favouritism (Especially lately) A lot of staff only talk and help the "popular" players. It is left to other players to explain to new players what to do etc... There has been loads of complaints about the new staff members, half of them don't warn players, just mute them and don't give them time to share their thoughts the other half are always afk or not talking in chat, while writing this very long forum post I have been keeping an eye on the chat, not once has any of the new online staff been helping players out or welcoming the new ones. The new staff also do not know the rules themselves, one player spammed exclamation marks then another person wrote a sentence with only 4 capital letters in it and was warned for using capital letters. This clearly states how the new helpers were only chosen because of their popularity. Finally I want to talk about the no swearing rule. Many people say "why doesn't Cap install a anti-swear plugin" His and the staffs reply is "we think you should be mature enough not to swear, there are younger kids that play the server" Well im sorry how can 'younger kids' be mature? They are usually the people that start swearing and spamming the chat when they don't get their own way. Thank you for reading and hopefully taking on-board what I have said. Please remember I did not write this to moan, I wrote this to hopefully change the server for the good, would love to hear what you think about my points! In the poll put yes if you think a anti-swear plugin should be installed or put no if you don't.
Hello, Firstly I would like to say that you have not got all of your facts straight here. Us staff do listen to every suggestion that is put forward by every player. Not all of them will be implemented and we all do in fact discuss things and come to a group conclusion. When it comes to the buy craft side of things, there are only a handful of people that can actually deal with these problems directly. We always do our best to give people advice and guidance with every situation and if there is someone that is online who cannot help with it then they try to get in contact with the staff that can ( we may not always be available 24/7 ) Staff do not have favorites, yes we have friends, yes we may speak to them more than everyone else on the server. However we still remain to treat everyone equally on the server, so if you break the rules, you suffer the consequences. Regarding the island side of it, the staff that have creative build things on their islands which will/may then be used on the server for everyone else at some point in time. We don't just spawn things in to get onto the top ten page. We build things for everyone to enjoy. This is just my little segment, I am sure there will be more to follow from others. Thank you for taking your time to read my reply. ~Lee
Hi Lee, I appreciate you taking the time to read and reply to my thread, I agree that staff do look at peoples suggestions etc however in game a lot is forgotten about, miss-read and taken the wrong way, sometimes suggestions are not noticed and I know that (well I hope) the staff sometimes miss things by mistake.
Well i disagree with you Craw. I'm not trying to be bias, but captianbob pays for the server. This server would not be online today without him. Ik he gets a lot more money than he needs to pay for it. but he deserves it. He made this server great. 2nd. Reags has spent Many hours on this server to make it better. she understands everything that goes on. Captianbob made her Head-Admin to Handle everything on this server. It does suck that none of us get a chance to be staff. it really does. I have been staff before, and I reallly wish i could have a second chance. But its up to Reags. So if she wants to pic friends she can. Im sure Nobody agrees with her doing this. But its not in our power. lastly. New members are usually frustrated because nobody will help them (staff) but its good to help them. because ONE day. ONE day you might get a shot at getting staff. its little things like that. When someone joins. just tell them. Welcome. If you need any help ask me. If they do good for you. I have spent over 100k helping people. (no joke) I hate how i get no reward for doing so. but again. I have no power to do something about it. its in staffs hands. and whining wont do it. I love this essay because it has soo many valid and good points. but there are 2 sides to this story. <3 love you craw.
I disagree with you lee. Staff with creative build to have fun themselves. but whats the fun when you dont have to work for anything? Plus its there own pleasure. SixTSix and Dum Spent ALOT of time and effort into building an island for everyone to enjoy. but the second Six got Mod /wrap profit went down. it doesnt make sense to me because they built it while builders. and now Dum isnt a builder. That warp shouldnt have been taken down. So do not say that they have creative for everyone to enjoy
The thing is, People haven't just gotten staff because they are "Reags' friends". Everyone that got promoted went through applications and they were read by Cap, Connor, Reags and myself. With Reags, Connor and Cap all coming to the final decision.
Thanks for that reply Kade, yes I understand there are two sides to this story and on some points I talked about each side, thanks for the contribution Kade I like to hear what everyone thinks Love you too Brudda
Well. I think i feel kind of offended. I get on to deal with problems, and a lot of times it has your name in it. Now, Your right, i am not as active as i should be, but your arguments are invalid, First off, I've been doing this for 4 years. It gets kind of boring, but i still enjoy the contact with people. I am taking a little time off, because of that, and some personal reasons. Second off, I don't know if you were on the server before reags did the website, but i suck at coming up with creative things, I lack so much creativity its not even funny. My first server spawn was a box with diamond, gold, iron, glowstone, and obsidian all mixed and matched, it looked horrible. Reags asked me about promoting new staff, and i asked who the names were, I'd never heard of them causing problems, so i said, if reags likes them, and thinks they could be staff, why not? If you have notice we've became more strict on staff. Also, helper isn't a big deal, its a trial rank. Also, to the "i Don't know" i was currently in school and only half paying attention to the server chat. Also, when you go to walmart, do they say thank you for buying their items? I can claim to be the server owner because i am, I started this server up from scratch, and i have made friends. Those friends are my staff. They've been through thick and thin with me, and i trust them to run the server while i'm gone. If it wasn't for reags, you wouldn't have a better website, donation site, Crate Keys, and a whole bunch of other things on the server, she has done so much in the last 6 months it is insane. Favoritism will always be a thing, doesn't matter where you go, but we are trying to make the least bit amount of it as we can. Any other questions?
Thank you very much for your reply, I a very sorry that I offended you, I did say that I don't know what you do when you are not physically on the server, I still don't see why Reags' personal island is linked to spawn and if it is something for the server surely it should be taken off of is top as a lot of people feel there is no aim to the server when the head-admins are at the top with infinite island level.
This is rude. You have no idea what goes on behind staff so do not pretend you do. There's no "magic" when someone becomes helper. Now, I would just like to say, my friends do not become staff, I have plenty of friends on this server who I don't think should be staff. Shaunie was my friend when he got staff, yes. But I knew Shaunie because he was staff on another of Cap's servers. Amanda wasn't my friend when she became staff but I did say she should be staff because I do read applications and how she is on the server. I didn't know who DaintyTurtle was until I read her application and asked Shaunie about her, which he replied that she was lovely and always helpful, so I then check how she is on the server and I thought she was staff worthy. I hardly talked to Elly, I didn't have her on skype until the day she got staff, I talked to her now and again to see how she is. So if you believe that all my friends get staff then you are dead wrong. You don't know how I choose who should be staff, so don't assume. I don't promote people without permission from the owners. Cap doesn't let me do whatever I want, how you would know that isn't possible unless you read mine and Caps conversations. Shaunie's island isn't 100% legit. He always says it's not. Some mods don't even use creative even though they have it. The server is all just fun, why would it need to be taken seriously. I believe helpers can be on baltop but not mods+. I also believe that helper should be on /is top until they become Mod, the new staff have done their island 100% legit as they literally just got staff, so you missed out a few people there. It was only meant to be there for a little while and I do apologise that staff is on baltop/is top and we will fix this. *Edit: I have now fixed the /is top. I've never had "favourite" players. Sure, I'm friends with some people on the server but just because I'm staff does that mean I am not allowed to have friends? When I wasn't staff I had friends so what makes it such a big difference now? They are called helpers for a reason, they just got staff, they learn through their mistakes. So don't even say the new staff are bad, every one makes mistakes as helper, I did and look at me now, a head admin. Now, I know this might not be me specifically but I have never told anyone to go on the forums if they have a suggestion. I listen to it, I put it on my computer and talk it through with the owners and staff to get their opinions. The only time I ever tell someone to go to the forums would be if they want an unban/unmute, as that is not my decision. When there was a buycraft problem (which I heard from Lee) I came on straight away to try and fix the problem, we did try our best and that is the only thing that we can do. I talk to every single person on the server. I may not reply to some as soon as I can but I do reply eventually, I could be busy doing something with what someone else said. I always talk to new players about what to do and I've never seen a staff not help someone new. I was on for quite a while, while the new staff were on and I saw them welcoming players and helping and warning, again I'm just going to say they are called helpers for a reason, they make mistakes. No staff was chosen because of how popular on the server, I read apps and see how they are on the server, so no, it doesn't clearly state how the new helpers were chosen because of popularity as you have no idea how we choose new staff and what we go through. We don't really want a server run by plugins and we would like staff to still be a thing. Sure, it could be helpful at times but we will look at your suggestion and discuss it
Thank you for explaining to me what I actually happens, i'm sorry I have been so blind. Also thank you for taking my points into consideration.