I don't think thats a good idea because members could just auction random things plus donating gives the server money and the auction system is a reason people buy VIP+ so they can auction giving the server money and keeping it up.
If members were given the ability to use /auction then VIP rank would only have 1 other perk other than its kit, rendering it a useless rank.
Now That May Be True Apathy, But Maybe Suggestions for Server/Webstite People Could Think Of A Way To Make Kit Vip A New Feature.
VIP is only $5. Every little bit counts to helping the server. It gives people a reason to donate. If we give members the ability to auction it could spam chat and people might need to wait forever just so their auction goes up because of the queue. We don't really want people complaining about that. There are ways to give things away without having /auc. In my opinion, it's fine. I don't know if you meant the commands for VIP itself or the /kit VIP. But the kit is fine. Thanks for the suggestion though.