brb let me go find a template11!! Okay, but anyways. Hi my name is LionMode, I have been on OSB for 2 years, and have been loving my experience. You may have met me, you may have not saying I have gone through a TON of name changes.. Have a look > If you recognize any names from that list message me and maybe we can be friends again lol. I was playing back when the spawn was just a tiny island. My first name was xFootballzX if you are too lazy to look through the list i showed you above. Anyways, If you want to talk then message me on OSB or add my skype LionMode, honestly don't care if people troll me on skype go ahead please. IF you cant find me just look for the guy that lives in Detroit lol. I actually do so no hate please. Have a nice day if you want it's your life.